Get to know me a little better

Jane McGrath - JM Creative

Hey! I’m Jane - owner and designer for JM Creative. If you are intrigued to know a little more about me…here you go!

HOW I got into GRAPHIC design

I’ve always loved art. It a subject I felt really passionate about at school, and then after A-Levels I decided to do a diploma in Art & Design. From there went to Nottingham Trent Uni and studied Graphic Design.

After graduation, I did MANY internships with design agencies (oh the glory of working for free!), to get valuable experience, but also decide what kind of company I wanted to work for. One of the agencies ended up offering me a job and I worked in a super small team (mainly with an international perfume brand).

I then branched into graphic design for fashion retailers, and worked for Oasis, Monsoon Accessorize and freelanced for Kurt Geiger, Warehouse and agencies.


After having my 2 kids, I felt the freelance avenue was too tricky to maintain. I was sick of rushing from a job in central London back home, to nursery to pick up the kids (and being the last one there frequently). It was mum guilt / stress / exhaustion which led me to decide to go it alone.

I wanted to be a brand designer specifically as it’s always been a part of my job that I’ve loved. So after devouring multiple courses on brand strategy (I am a bit of a course addict), I felt confident enough to launch JM Creative in May 2020 (yep right before lockdown here with a 1 & 3 year old LOL). It was rocky, but I got my first client in June and haven’t looked back.


I started my business to give me flexibility and freedom to look after my small children, got to school / nusery pickups etc, but actually what I also got was so much more. I work with passionate, talented and inspiring women daily. I help them to attract more of their dream clients with a brand that is created with their stand-out qualities and values in mind. It feels like I have finally found my ‘tribe’.

After working in the corporate world for years, I often felt overlooked because I am an introvert at heart. I now embrace this, as I know it makes me an excellent listener. It is so important to me to really understand my clients, and their business vision before we start working together. I finally feel like I am making a real difference to the businesses and owners that I work with.


What is the One Concept method?